restricted diet, why you shouldn't do it.

Often in allot of cases when some one starts some sort  of health and fitness lifestyle weather it be to lose weight , or just get healthier in general we cut certain foods out of our diet be it sugar , salt , carbs or a certain group of fats. And reducing these things and having them in moderation is fine but cutting something out completely is definetly not a good idea. Ever.

How can cutting out sugar salt or fat be a bad thing?

I know it can be a difficult concept to grasp particularly where sugar is concerned , sugar , refined processed sugar in particular is not neceseraly "good for you" but theirs nothing wrong with having it now and then. The issue with cutting out food in your diet is not neceseraly the not eating it (unless your cutting out something important that your body needs sutch as carbs) but it's what happens to your body when you eat that thing you cut out again normally this happens on a cheat day .

Let's say you have cut out processed  sugar completely no chocolate no sweets , crisps , fizzy drinks or takeaways you have done this for a few weeks and you feel great you see and feel results. You deserve a cheat day right? One chocolate bar or that sticky toffee pudding your planning on having at a family dinner this weekend couldn't hurt right? WORNG! You might not realise but because you have tried to cut out salt or sugar or Sertain  types of fat it's difficult to fined foods that don't contain these things and some times we just done have time to make food from scratch so occasionally we need to buy a pasta sauce for our dinner or microwaveable flavourd rice for example. So with out realising it by cutting out one thing we might accidently be cutting out something really important aswell. Perhaps we are low on iron or carbs or vitamins because we have restricted the food we eat in the process of cutting out one thing.

You treat yourself

You treat yourself to that one thing you have been cutting out for so long and it's amazing you feel satisfied and your not worried about it because you know now you will probably just cut it out again so what can the harm be? Edema , Edema is harmfull and now you might have it and it won't be pretty. Edema is extreme water retention in body tissue , you have probably seen people with it and not realised what it is.

If you have ever seen any one with swollen legs for example then that's probably Edema you can get Edema for a multitude of reasons but if you notice you have it out of the blue after following a restricted diet , and cutting out food for weeks that you have recently eaten then that's probably the reason you have it. Most people get it in the legs , feet, wrists and hands. Because theirs water being retained in the tissue it can make moving the effected body part very difficult and extremely Painfull depending on how extreme it is. Some people have it so badly they end up missing time off work because of the huge discomfort and pain it can cause. One of the worst things you can do when you have Edema is to try and do vigorous exercise. This will not reduce the swelling and water retention it will just be excruciatingly Painfull of you have it very badly. 

Normally if you have dietary related Edema you will have mild water retention with mild swelling aslong as you don't run to the gym and try to lift heavy weight or do any vigorous exercise you can do light exercise like walking, or gentle swimming can help to elevate the pain and swelling , some people like to go to a sauna to sweat out some of the excess water. Dont worry this does not mean you won't be able to eat what ever food you cut out ever again with out getting edema every time you do. All you have to do is start re introducing that food back into your diet slowly so your body gets used to processing it again. If you cut out sugar why not start by adding 1tea spoon in your tea once a day for a few weeks and work from their.

So the moral of the story is everything in moderation theirs no reason for you to restrict your diet or to cut out any sort of food.

I'm not a doctor so I will advise any one who thinks they might be experiencing dietery  Edema to go to a medicle professional for an examination and treatment just to be certain what it is you have and the best way for you to treat it.
